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  6.     6.《“自杀”一词在英文中的出现及其意义》,载《中华读书报》,2017 年 3 月15 日 20 版。
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  8.     8.(译文)杰森 W. 摩尔:《封建主义危机——环境史》,载《生态史研究》第一辑, 商务印书馆,2016年。
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  18.     18.《近代英国政府立法对医疗行业发展的影响》,载《世界历史》2008年第6期。
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  24.     24.《16—17世纪英国商业资金的投向》,载《世界历史》2003年第1期。
  25.     25.《微观考察英国乡村工业的发展》,载《首都师范大学学报》2003年第2期。
  26.     26.《16-17世纪英国商人与政权》,载《世界历史》2001年第2期。
  27.     27.《托马斯·克伦威尔早期活动述评》,载《内蒙古师范大学学报》,2000年第1期。
  1.     1.主持2003年国家社科基金项目《近现代西方国家与个人关系研究:理论与实践》。
  2.     2.主持2006年中国人民大学校内科研种子项目 《近代英国医疗行业中的利益追求与人道追求并存》。
  3.     3.主持2000-2002年博士后基金项目《英国商业与商人研究: 1500-1700》。
  1.     1.2005—2006年获英国华威大学“中国学者”奖学金资助,在华威大学访学。
  2.     2.2007—2008年获美国哈佛大学“访问学者”奖学金资助,在哈佛大学访学。
  3.     3.2012—2016瑞士日内瓦大学任孔子学院中方院长。
  4.     4. 2017.09—2018.02伦敦学院大学高等研究所访问学者。
Xiurong Zhao, Professor
Research Field: Social History of Early Modern England
• A Study of Social History of Early Modern England, China Social Sciences Press, 2017.
• (Compiling) Selected Readings of Historical Documents in the West (Early Modern Times), Social Science Academic Press, 2016.
• The Studies of the Relationship between the Individual and the State in Western Political ideas, China Social Sciences Press, 2012.
• A Study of Business and Merchants of England, 1500-1700, Social Science and Documentation Publishing House, 2004.
• The Study of Economic Development in Transformation Period of England : 16-18CenturyCapital Normal University Press, 2002 (co-author).
• 'The Punishment of Suicide in Early Modern England', Journal of Historical Science, No.4, 2018.
• 'Understand Disease and Health in Early Modern England', China Reading Weekly, January17th, 2018.
• 'Women Hold up Half the Sky? An opinion on Women Status in Early Modern England', China Reading Weekly, December 20th, 2017.
• 'Politics of Survival: A Study of Tudor Rebellions', China Reading Weekly, August 30th, 2017
• 'A Study into the Perceptions of Suicide in England', Economic & Social History Review, No.3, 2017.
• 'Appearance of “Suicide” in English and its Social Meaning', China Reading Weekly, March 15th ,2017.
• 'Review, Transformations of the Earth: How Nature Matters in the Making & Unmaking of the Modern World', in Ecological History Studies, Commercial Press, 2016.
• 'An Investigation of Moral Treatment in York Retreat in England', Historiography Quarterly, No.2, 2015.
• 'Affecting Medical Ethics in Western Europe', Economic & Social History Review, No.3, 2015.
• 'A Review of the Parliament Acts relating to Asylums in 17th-19th Century England', in World History, No. 4, 2013.
• 'The Reason of the Development of Private asylum in 19 Century  England', in Journal of Capital Normal University, No.4, 2012.
• 'Henry Hunter and his contribution to the development of surgery in England', Chinese Journal of Medical History, No.5, 2011.
• 'A  Study of the Social Changes with the Rising of the Voluntary Hospitals in Modern England', Journal of Capital Normal University, No.3, 2010.
• 'On the Reasons of the Rise of the Voluntary Hospitals in Modern England', Collected Papers of History Studies, No.4, 2009.
• 'The co-existence of commercialization and philanthropy in the medical history of early modern England', Academia Bimestris, No.4, 2009.
• 'The Government’s Medical Legislations and effects in Early Modern Britain', World History, No. 6, November, 2008.
• 'An Introduction of the Study of Medicine History in the UK and the USA', Journal of Historical Science, No.6, 2007.
• 'The Conflicts between Commercialization and Philanthropy in the Medical History of Early Modern England', Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Review, Nov.7, 2006.
• 'Development of English Overseas Trade and the Transformation of English Commerce in the 17th Century', Journal of Historical Science, No.2, 2004
• 'Social Life of English Merchants in 16-17th Century', Ji’nan Historical Science, 2004.
• 'The Coercive Measures with which Thomas Cromwell Pushed the Reformation', Journal of Capital Normal University, No.2, 2004.
• 'The Distribution of Commercial Investment in England during the 16-17th Century', World History, No.1, February, 2003.
• 'Micro-Observation of British Rural Industrial Development in the 16-17th Century', Journal of Capital Normal University, No.2, 2003.
• 'English Merchants and Political Power in the 16th and 17th Centuries', World History, No. 2, April 2001.
• 'Comments on the Early Activities of Thomas Cromwell', Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University, No.1, 2000.
• Jason W. Moore, 'The Crisis of Feudalism, An Environmental History', in Ecological History Studies, Commercial Press, 2016.
• Jason W. Moore, Transformations of the Earth: How Nature Matters in the Making & Unmaking of the Modern World, Commercial Press, 2015.
• Jason W. Moore, 'The Modern World-System as Environmental History, Ecology and the Rise of Capitalism’, in New History, 2011.
• The Project of Renmin University of China, Conflicts between Commercialism and Humanism in Medical History of England, 2007-2008.
• The Project of the National Social Science Foundation of China, 2003-2006: The Relationship between the Individuals and the States in Western Political Thoughts, 17-19century.
• The Project of the Post-Doctoral Foundation of China, 2000-2002: A Study of Business and Merchants of England, 1500-1700.
• 2007—2008 Visiting Scholar Fellowship of the University of Harvard.
• 2005—2006 Chinese Scholar Fellowship of the University of Warwick.
• 2012—2016 University of Geneva, Chinese Director.
• 2017.09-2018.02 Visiting Research Fellow, IAS at the University College London. 

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